Get Your Honey Ready For Export!



We offer custom honey extraction services - Our local knowledge and innovative approach guarantees the best results.

Honey Extraction New Zealand specializes in getting your honey out of the honeycomb and into the drum. Our leader has over 50 years of experience in the bee industry and our facility is state of the art. Our innovative and experienced team produces the finest results and can guarantee that your honey will be store-ready.

Along with processing your honey, we will facilitate the full range of testing and can organise electronic declarations to move your honey off to buyers. Honey Extraction NZ Ltd operates under a full Risk Management Programme (RMP), administrated by the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries to produce export quality honey.

Whether you are a small beekeeper or a commercial apiarist, we can cater to you. Call or email us to get your honey extracted!



  • Honey Extraction

  • Manuka Honey Extraction

  • Honey Storage

  • Warm room

  • Wax processing

  • Facilitation of honey and moisture testing

  • Storage for UMF / MGO growth

  • EU Export Certified

  • Electronic Declerations